Demo Videos

બાળગીત – ચાંદો-સૂરજ રમતા'તા
ખેત પદ્ધતિઓ
કૃત્રિમ ઉપગ્રહોના ઉપયોગો
પેન્ટોઝ - ફોસ્ફેટ - પથ (PPP)
નિયત સંકલનના કાર્ય નિયમો
ચુંબકત્વ માટે ગાઉસનો નિયમ
Metal & Non-metal
LIVe-Textbooks is a brain child of Mr. Tejas Shah, founder of Ideal Experiential Learning Pvt. Ltd. Truly a game changer in the field of Education, he has brought Ideal as well as Affordable Learning solutions to the students. His ideology has always been in making education meaningful and providing the same with the agenda of 'Learning through Playing'. In his entire career till date he has come up with numerous projects for elevating and helping out students to come out of their shell and shine bright in the world. In order to match steps with modern methods and constantly changing technology, he with the IDeAL Team has come up with the concept of 'LIVe-Textbooks' video lectures to provide digital learning solutions to students at their comfort, saving time and energy both for them. The path was difficult to follow but with dedication and determination towards bringing a positive change in the education industry the project got its face and structure gradually with time. Today we hold more than thousands of video lectures in symmetry with the School Boards of every subject taught. All we want by this is to reach the maximum number of students and provide them with the right content in order to be beneficial to them at the right time.
Live Textbooks, a distinctive concept designed for Kindergarten and Std 1-10 (GSEB) available in Gujarati and English medium as well as for Std 9-10 (CBSE) content to provide affordable and accessible online learning solutions in the form of multimedia animated video series with a single motto of ‘Anytime, Anywhere Education’.
Live TextBooks is available via three approaches, as mentioned hereunder:
For Class
For Class
For Class
Live-Textbooks - AR based Android App enables to learn via our systematically organized 5000+ animated audio-visual learning solutions for students of Std - 1 to 10 (GSEB, CBSE) available in English & Gujarati Medium either by live streaming or downloading them later to learn.
Live Classroom enables the schools to match the demand of today’s generation by offering audio-visual classroom solution for Kindergarten and Std 1-12 (GSEB, CBSE) available in English & Gujarati Medium available in English & Gujarati Medium in order to make the teaching more friendly and knowledge oriented.
In students, learning happens best with a peaceful mind.
With LIVe-Textbooks the students are learning at the place and time of their convenience.
Our strength lies in providing students with personalized and convenient online teaching, breaking the conventional ideology of limiting learning to classrooms only.
We work with a network of well qualified and experienced teachers who are committed and self-motivated to contribute towards better learning outcomes and performance of students.
We consider student's growth as our own responsibility and that is why we are associated with teachers for whom teaching is a passion than profession. To define our teachers in one word then nothing less than PERFECT would be suitable.
Now every student can get world class coaching support at any level with our personalized App from the place of his/her comfort, which not only saves time and energy but also provides a secured solution to parents.
Anywhere, Anytime Learning is what we have come up with.
We come into picture to make the concepts clear and get a grip over them, clarity over subjects and in-depth conceptual knowledge.
We focus on applying the concepts when necessary rather than just simply making the child mug up. We teach the children to deal with difficulties and become a self-learner.
In order to match steps with today's generation and the constant up-gradation in technology we at LIVe-Textbooks work with cutting edge technology, still affordable and accessible to the students.